Currey Ingram Academy’s Guide to Getting Involved
Our school origins date back to 1968 when Carol and Bobby Henderson needed a place to educate their son, Britt. Since then, we have been defined by dedicated parents and educators working together to create an open, accepting, and inviting school for students with learning differences. Today, by promoting strengths and supporting differences, our students receive the education they truly deserve.

Within this partnership, you play a pivotal role in children's education. First and foremost, you are your children's primary role model, consistently modeling good citizenship and appropriate engagement. Though much of that engagement occurs at home, we also encourage you to engage at Currey Ingram through a variety of opportunities that might be meaningful to you.

Most importantly, we value all forms of involvement, from sharing your talents to contributing your time to making financial contributions. All are incredibly valuable to us, and maintain a tradition of parents and educators working together to ensure Currey Ingram is a welcoming place where students with learning differences can experience the joy of learning.

Thank you in advance for your commitment to being an active, supporting community member. You are vital to helping Currey Ingram be a school where students can achieve their fullest potential.
How can I get involved?
Every school needs an active parent body and strong financial support. Currey Ingram Academy parents will tell you that getting involved is an incredible experience both for them and their students. Here’s how:

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  • Be an Engaged Parent!

    Educating your child is truly a partnership between your family and the school, and we encourage involvement in your child’s school experience. Ask about your child’s day, communicate with your child’s teachers, engage with CIPO (Currey Ingram Parent Organization), attend student achievement moments, watch a musical performance, or cheer at a Currey Ingram Mustangs sports event. 

    Watch for informative messages from the school through Dr. Mitchell’s Mustang Message, teacher updates, room parent emails, and weekly newsletters to stay informed about school life essentials.

    Sign in to the school's CIA website to access information such as the learning information management system, the resource board, the directory, and the up-to-date school calendar.

    Connecting with the Currey Ingram community is an important part of the overall experience for your student(s) and your family. Throughout the year, family events, like Community Night, Band Fest, John Rivers Ingram Day, and the Fun Run, bring us together for social interactions. Some activities are for adults only, such as the Annette Eskind Institute of Learning speaker series or the Dad’s Steak Dinner, which helps build supportive relationships. Put yourself out there! It’s worth it.
  • Be a Volunteer!

    Volunteers are the heart of our Currey Ingram community! If your schedule allows, we welcome your active participation. Volunteers are organized through the Currey Ingram Parent Organization (CIPO) and through our various departments and divisions with options for those who have extra hours in their day or a few hours a year or maybe can send snacks for teachers during conferences. Come help in the Library, at events, or take photos.
    • Currey Ingram Parent Association (CIPO)
    • Board of Trust and Board subcommittees
    • Development Department
    • LibTech
    • Extra Curricular Endeavors
    • Athletic Team Parent Volunteers
  • Be a Donor!

    Just as there are many ways to volunteer, there are also many ways to financially support the school. First and foremost, Currey Ingram has an ambitious goal of achieving 100% parent support for our Annual Fund. Beyond this critical fundraising program, families and friends may contribute to the school’s endowment, campaigns for strategic priorities, and estate planning. Charitable gifts to our school are essential to the success and sustainability of our programs and curriculum. Every gift of every size matters and makes a difference for our students, and we thank you for your consideration.
More Ways to Volunteer Your Time

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  • Currey Ingram Connects Program

    Have you heard of Currey Ingram Connects? If not, it is a program from the Currey Ingram Parent Organization (CIPO) that supports new Currey Ingram families! It serves as a network of Currey Ingram families that welcomes new families into the community, supports the transition to Currey Ingram, introduces people to traditions at the school, is a place for people to ask questions, and provides opportunities to get involved. Please contact Blair Donegan, to get connected to CIPO and express your interest in volunteering.  
  • Development Department

    Each year the development team recruits volunteers who are essential in getting the word out about the annual fund through one-on-one connections with their peers each fall. Volunteers for Grandparents and Special Friend’s Day are also recruited by the development office. Please contact Brad Akard if you are interested.

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Currey Ingram Academy is an exemplary JK-12 day and boarding school that empowers students with learning differences to achieve their fullest potential. Since 2002, the school has been located on an 83-acre campus in Brentwood, Tennessee, just miles from Nashville and Franklin. Families from 33 states and eight countries cite the school as their primary reason for moving to Middle Tennessee.

Currey Ingram Academy is accredited by the Southern Association of Independent Schools (SAIS) and AdvancEd/Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (SACS CASI).