At Currey Ingram Academy, we understand that students learn differently so we must teach differently. 
Our teachers use a diversity of evidence-based instructional practices and present material through individualized, structured and multisensory approaches (visual, auditory and kinesthetic) to best meet the instructional and learning needs of our students. Through our very intentional and personalized approach to teaching and a nurturing school environment that encourages both academic learning and social growth, Currey Ingram gives students the tools to thrive and grow. 

Six Ways Our Academic Approach Distinguishes Currey Ingram

List of 6 items.

  • 1. Evidence-Based Practices

    We use evidence-based instructional practices in our teaching. At Currey Ingram, evidence-based practices means the instruction we use has been supported by a number of high quality research studies that have demonstrated effectiveness in achieving success with students. Click here to read more about the evidence-based instructional practices used at Currey Ingram.
  • 2. Individualized Learning Plan (ILP)

    Every student has an ILP based on the student’s psychoeducational evaluation, academic progress, and daily interactions with the student. This psychoeducational evaluation provides faculty and administrators with a deeper understanding of each student’s strengths, as well as his/her learning challenges. The ILP helps to create a learning plan that takes into consideration the student’s strengths, challenges, and academic performance. The ILP promotes strong communication between the teacher and parents in assessing a student’s academic, executive function and social-emotional growth.
  • 3. Small classes

    Currey Ingram differentiates instruction by identifying the performance levels of each student within the curriculum standards for each class. As such, some classes may have two students, some classes may have eight students. Teaching begins at the student’s instructional level and moves toward mastery by using specific teaching strategies that will foster student growth and achievement in relationship to the required competencies.
  • 4. Social Emotional Learning

    At Currey Ingram, we believe that social-emotional development plays a critical role in student success. The RULER Approach to Social-Emotional Learning (‘‘RULER’’) is used across all grades and with all students. RULER is an evidenced-based approach to social and emotional learning developed at the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence. The knowledge, attitude and skills associated with RULER are as follows:
    • R-Recognizing emotion in self and others
    • U-Understanding the causes and consequences of emotion
    • L-Labeling emotions accurately
    • E-Expressing emotions in helpful ways
    • R-Regulating emotions effectively
    Click here to read more about our approach to using RULER at Currey Ingram Academy.
  • 5. Self-Regulated Strategy Development Writing Interventions (SRSD)

    Self-Regulated Strategy Development Writing Interventions (SRSD) is an evidence-based instructional writing model that has been shown to be effective for students with learning differences, and it also helps all students become more strategic writers. In this model, students develop their own voice in writing, and the words have important meaning. In SRSD, students are taught six stages of writing. It is not a scripted program, but one in which the stages can be modified or reordered to meet the needs of individual students. At Currey Ingram, SRSD is used in grades 2 - 10. Click here to read more.
  • 6. Executive Function Training

    At Currey Ingram, we recognize the crucial role that Executive Function (EF) plays in becoming a successful person at school and in life. EF is a set of core self-regulatory skills required for deliberate, goal-directed problem solving. Strong EF skills make it possible for individuals to pay attention, think flexibly, keep information in mind and resist distractions. Currey Ingram faculty and staff share a collaborative goal of helping all students improve in this area. We recognize that when EF skills are strong, students have greater academic success, better self-regulation skills, and better peer relations, and we accept that both negative and positive experiences can affect EF development. Click here to learn more.

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Currey Ingram Academy is an exemplary JK-12 day and boarding school that empowers students with learning differences to achieve their fullest potential. Since 2002, the school has been located on an 83-acre campus in Brentwood, Tennessee, just miles from Nashville and Franklin. Families from 33 states and eight countries cite the school as their primary reason for moving to Middle Tennessee.

Currey Ingram Academy is accredited by the Southern Association of Independent Schools (SAIS) and AdvancEd/Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (SACS CASI).